The book 'Fatma' (APCC, 2021), with text by Conceição Dinis Tomé recalls a real problem. The best way to present it is to tell you a little story.
I did a workshop for kids about this book in Braga, where one of the shelter centers in Portugal is based. A little boy told me that it is very awkward that fire hits houses and hundreds of people traveling in tiny boats. 'Everything in this book looks strange!' - he said, concluding. 
I agree — unfortunately, all true, and that is why this book needs to exist. All children in this workshop also stated that the solution to the problem is friendship and love! 
Thank you, Conceição and Paulo Caramujo, for the excellent opportunity to work alongside a beautiful text by a big-hearted woman.

Published by APCC | Text Conceição Dinis Tomé | 2021 | Photography Álvaro Martino​​​​​​​

(2021) Selection. Chen Bochui International Children's Literature Award (CICLA). 'Common Journey' exhibition. Shanghai. 

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